Petts Wood - Booking Info

How to book your classes if you have already purchased a class pass or have a monthly subscription.

  1. Log in using the email address associated with your account.⁠
  2. Click on Manage Code.
  3. ⁠Select Manage Code again, then click on Schedule next to your code.
  4. ⁠At the top of the page, click the Book button.
  5. ⁠Choose your desired class from the list.
  6. Click on Select and Continue, or if you’d like to add another class, choose Select Another Time.
  7. ⁠You will be directed to the Health and Safety form. You don’t need to fill this out— just make sure your phone number is included!
  8. ⁠Scroll down to the bottom and click on Continue to Payment.
  9. You’ll see the payment page, but no card details are needed since your code is already linked at the bottom.
  10. Finally, press Confirm.